The MSA has hosted a diverse array of scholars, activists, and community leaders for lectures, workshops, and spiritual gatherings

  • Tides of Change: Dr. Yasir Qadhi Returns

    Yale MSA, in collaboration with Miftaah Institute and MSA Unity, was blessed to host a profound gathering of knowledge and wisdom titled "Tides of Change." The event, graced by the esteemed Dr. Yasir Qadhi, a revered Islamic scholar and Yale alumnus, took place at the New Haven Omni Hotel on the blessed evening of Thursday, April 25th. By the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the lecture was further enriched by the insightful contributions of our beloved Imam Omer Bajwa, the respected Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed of Miftaah Institute, the honorable Imam Khalid Latif of NYU, and the esteemed Shaykh Suleiman Hani of Yaqeen Institute. May Allah accept this gathering as a means of increasing our community in knowledge and taqwa, and may He reward all those who participated and organized this blessed event.

  • The Road to Ramadan — Shaykh Abdallah Deeb & Imam Ahmad Deeb

    Alhamdulillah, Yale MSA was blessed with the presence of Imam Ahmad Deeb and Shaykh Abdallah Deeb, a father-son duo of esteemed scholars, who graced our community with their knowledge and wisdom. The esteemed guests led a series of enlightening events titled "The Road to Ramadan," guiding the attendees on how to draw nearer to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in preparation for the blessed month. The gatherings were filled with spiritual insights and practical advice, as both scholars shared their expertise in Islamic sciences, community building, and spirituality. As a beautiful conclusion to their visit, the MSA members were honored to embark on a hike with Imam Ahmad Deeb, combining the beautiful scenery at East Rock with spiritual reflection.

  • Bridging Spirituality and Empowerment — World Hijab Day with Linda Sarsour

    We were honored to invite Sister Linda Sarsour, a prominent Palestinian American activist and advocate, to campus in commemoration of World Hijab Day. On this blessed evening, Sister Linda, known for her tireless efforts in championing Muslim and women's rights, graced our community with her presence and wisdom. The gathering provided a unique opportunity for attendees to gain insight into Sister Linda's journey as a hijab-wearing Muslim woman in America, her experiences in confronting Islamophobia, and her dedication to uplifting Muslim sisters across the nation.

  • A Night of Togetherness: How the Prophet Overcame Racism — Imam Hassan Akbar

    In honor of Black History Month, Yale MSA was blessed to host Imam Hassan Akbar for an enlightening program that bridged the wisdom of our Islamic heritage with contemporary reflections on racial unity. Imam Hassan, a scholar of great knowledge and the son of Jamaica's first native Imam, shared profound insights from his book, "A Call for Unity: Guidance of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ," illuminating the Prophetic approach to combating racism. The gathering was further enriched by Imam Hassan's moving khutbah, which left hearts softened and minds enlightened.

  • Ivy Muslim Conference 2023

    At the Ivy Muslim Conference 2023, Yale MSA was honored to host Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans, ALIM's first Scholar-in-Residence, as the esteemed keynote speaker. The blessed gathering brought together young Muslim leaders from across the Ivy League, fostering unity and spiritual growth. Ustadh Ubaydullah's powerful address resonated deeply with the attendees, igniting their hearts with inspiration to effect positive change in their communities and beyond. His words, rooted in profound Islamic knowledge and contemporary wisdom, provided practical guidance for navigating the challenges faced by Muslim youth in academia and society.

  • The Digital Sisterhood

    Alhamdulillah, Yale MSA, in collaboration with numerous campus organizations, was blessed to host an extraordinary multi-day program featuring the inspiring sisters from The Digital Sisterhood - Cadar, Safia, and Khadra. This Poynter fellowship event brought the beloved voices behind one of Canada's most popular podcasts to our community, offering a unique opportunity to engage with their powerful storytelling and media initiative. The Digital Sisterhood, known for uniting women of color and reshaping narratives about Muslim women, graced our campus with their wisdom and experiences. The program, supported by a diverse coalition of Yale groups, exemplified the beauty of collaboration in uplifting authentic Muslim voices.

  • A Dinner Book Night: Black History in Islam

    Yale MSA was honored to host Shaykh Mustafa Briggs for an illuminating lecture titled "Beyond Bilal and Black History in Islam" at the Humanities Quadrangle. Shaykh Mustafa, renowned for his scholarship in Arabic and Islamic studies, shared profound insights from his book "Beyond Bilal," shedding light on the often-overlooked contributions of Black Muslims throughout Islamic history. The event drew a large audience of both students and community members, fostering a rich dialogue on the importance of recognizing and celebrating the full breadth of our ummah's heritage. Attendees left with a deeper appreciation for the multicultural roots of Islamic civilization and a renewed commitment to honoring this legacy in our contemporary Muslim communities.

  • A Life Worth Living - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

    Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, a luminary in Western Islamic scholarship, graced our campus with his profound wisdom on "A Muslim Vision of the Good Life." The co-founder of Zaytuna College engaged in a thought-provoking dialogue with Professor Miroslav Volf as part of the Life Worth Living Program. This enlightening discourse explored the essence of a life imbued with purpose and meaning through an Islamic lens, offering students a unique opportunity to reflect on their spiritual journey.